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陈心广 教授

  陈心广教授于同济医科大学医学获得医学学士学位和卫生统计硕士学位,夏威夷大学获得人口研究专业硕士和生物统计与流行病学博士学位,曾在美国南加州大学担任助理教授,现任韦恩州立大学终身教授,兼任“Synopsis: A Current Survey of World Literature in Pediatrics”编委,“Journal of Child and Family Studies”等杂志副主编,中国青少年健康财团(香港、澳门、台湾和内地)首席科学家和中山大学客座教授。

  陈教授自从事科研工作以来,全面系统地开展了行为健康研究。在青少年艾滋病预防及控烟的行为干预研究方面,成功将青少年危险性行为的干预项目移植到中低收入的发展中国家巴哈马,其部分研究成果被该国教育部和卫生部确定为本国中学生的“必修课”;在流动人口行为健康研究方面,开发了《个人社会资本评定量表》,并通过管理学、社会学、信息学等学科的高度交叉融合,成功将地球信息(GIS)、定位系统(GPS)技术和电脑辅助调查(ACASI)技术应用于流动人口行为健康研究中,2010年在中国开展的流动人口艾滋病相关行为危险因素研究项目获得美国NIH资助;在基础理论与方法学研究方面,于2008年开创性提出了社会行为分析方法-概率离散事件系统模型(Probabilistic Discrete Event System Model),建立了由横断面调查数据提取纵向信息的方法,同年基于该理论的控烟项目获美国NIH总额86.6万美元资助。另外,陈心广教授成功将物理学中量子变化理论和混沌尖顶模型运用于行为健康研究领域,解决了计算行为分阶段转变的概率问题,并于2010年7月受邀在美国混沌理论与心理学和生命科学学会年会上作主题发言。近五年作为负责人(PI)或共同负责人(Co-PI)主持美国NIH项目4项、密西根州儿童研究中心项目1项、韦恩州立大学INPHAASE项目2项,总经费1006.9万美元;发表英文论文57篇,SCI/SSCI收录49篇,其中作为第一作者或通讯作者的19篇影响因子累计35.7,大于2的7篇。



1、Measuring cigarette smoking behavior progression with cross-sectional data
2、Social capital and HIV riskbehavior among rural migrants in China
3、Evidence-based multilevel riskreduction for Bahamian mid-adolescents
4、Gene tobacco interactions on child behavioral and cognitive development
5、The effect of CYP2A6 gene and tobacco exposure on cognitive development of urban preschoo
6、Gene ETS interaction on lung function in inner-city children
7、Adolescent risk reduction in the Bahamas-peers and parents

1、Chen X, Naar-King S, Murphy D, Parson JT. A clinic-based motivational intervention improves condom use among subgroups of youth living with HIV-A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Journal of Adolescent Health. In press
2、Chen X, Stanton B, Kaljee L, Fang X, Xiong Q, Lin D, Zhang L, Li X. Social stigma, social capital reconstruction and rural migrants in urban China: A population health perspective. Human Organization. In press.
3、Chen X, Stanton B, Gomez P, Lunn S, Deveaux L, Brathwaite N, Li X, Marshall S, Cottrell L, Harris C. Effects on condom use of an HIV prevention program 36 months post intervention – A cluster randomized controlled trial among Bahamian youth. International Journal of STDS and AIDS, 2010; 21: 622-30.
4、Lin F. and Chen X. Estimation of transitional probabilities of discrete event systems from cross-sectional survey and its application in tobacco control. Information Sciences, 2010; 180(3): 432-40.
5、Chen X, Lunn S, Harris C,Li X, Deveaux L,Marshall S, Cottrell L, Stanton B. Modeling early sexual initiation among young adolescents using quantum and continuous behavior change methods: Implications for HIV prevention. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Sciences, 2010; 14(4): 491-509.
6、Naar-King S, Parsons JT, Murphy DA, Chen X, Harris DR, Belzer M. Improving health outcomes for youth living with HIV: A Multisite randomized trial of a motivational intervention targeting multiple risks. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2009;163(12): 1092-98.
7、Chen X, Lunn S, Deveaux L, Li X, Brathwaite N, Cottrell L, Stanton B. A Cluster randomized controlled trial of an adolescent HIV prevention program among Bahamian adolescents: Effect at 12 months post-intervention. AIDS and Behavior, 2009; 13(3): 499-508.
8、Chen X, Stanton B, Li X, Gong J, Fang X. Personal Social Capital Scale – An instrument for social and behavioral research. Health Education Research 2009; 24(2): 306-317.
9、Gong J, Chen X, Zhou D, Zeng J, Li F, Wang Z. Adolescents addictive internet use and drug Abuse in Wuhan, China. Addiction Research & Theory, 2009; 17(3): 291-305.
10、Sood BG, Shen Y, Latif Z, Chen X, Sharp J, Joshi A, Slivs TL, Neelavalli J, Haacke EM. Aerosol delivery in ventilated newborn pigs: An MRI evaluation. Pediatric Research, 2008; 64(2): 159-64.



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